An Introduction to CFD Post-Processing

What is CFD Post-Processing?

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations provide engineers and researchers with the ability to analyze and understand fluid behavior in a virtual environment. However, obtaining accurate and reliable results from these simulations is only half the battle. To truly harness the power of CFD simulations, post-processing is essential.

Unlocking the Power of CFD Post-Processing

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool used by engineers and researchers to simulate fluid behavior and predict the performance of various products and systems. However, the true power of CFD lies in its post-processing capabilities.

CFD post-processing enables professionals to extract and visualize important data from their simulations. This data is then presented in various formats such as graphs, animations, and images, all of which help to explain complex fluid dynamics phenomena. Through the use of post-processing techniques, engineers can obtain insights into fluid behaviors such as velocity, pressure, and temperature.

One of the most significant benefits of CFD post-processing is its ability to identify and solve problems. By analyzing the simulation data, engineers can pinpoint areas of inefficiency or poor performance and make necessary adjustments to improve the design. This not only allows for the identification of problems and areas of improvement but also provides opportunities for optimization and increased efficiency.

Post-processing also provides engineers and researchers with a deeper understanding of fluid mechanics. By visualizing the simulation data, they can gain insights into the behavior of fluids in different scenarios and environments. This knowledge can be applied to improve designs, reduce costs, and ultimately produce better products.

Another advantage of CFD post-processing is its ability to communicate complex data in a way that is easy to understand. Graphs and images can be used to convey information about fluid behavior to stakeholders who may not have a technical background. This makes it easier to explain the benefits and potential drawbacks of a particular design or product.

In conclusion, CFD post-processing is a critical component of the CFD simulation process. It allows engineers and researchers to extract valuable insights from their simulations, identify and solve problems, and communicate complex data in a way that is easily understood. By leveraging the power of CFD post-processing, professionals can improve designs, reduce costs, and ultimately produce better products.

Visualizations: Colorful Fluid Dynamics

Perhaps one of the most exciting aspects of CFD post-processing is the ability to create stunning visualizations of fluid behavior. These visualizations help to enhance understanding and improve communication of CFD results. Colorful and dynamic animations make it easier to identify patterns and showcase fluid dynamic behaviors that may be difficult to discern from numerical data alone.

For example, imagine a visualization of fluid flow through a pipe. With the use of color, different flow velocities can be easily distinguished. The visualization can also show how the fluid behaves as it moves through the pipe, such as areas of turbulence or eddies. This information can be used to optimize the design of the pipe and improve its efficiency.

Another example is the visualization of fluid flow around an object, such as an airplane wing. By using color to represent different fluid velocities, it becomes clear where the flow separates from the wing and creates turbulence. This information is crucial in the design of airplanes and can help to reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency.

These visualizations also help to bring data to life in presentations or reports, capturing the attention of audiences and emphasizing the importance of fluid dynamics in engineering and research. They can be used to explain complex concepts in a simple and visually appealing way, making them accessible to a wider audience.

Furthermore, these visualizations can be used to study and understand natural phenomena, such as ocean currents or weather patterns. By visualizing the behavior of fluids in these systems, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying physics and make more accurate predictions.

In conclusion, the ability to create colorful and dynamic visualizations of fluid dynamics is a powerful tool that enhances our understanding of the behavior of fluids and their impact on engineering and research. These visualizations not only make it easier to identify patterns and behaviors, but also help to communicate complex ideas in a simple and engaging way.

On Common CFD Data Outputs

When conducting CFD simulations, numerous types of data output results are available, including numerical values, graphs, and images.

Numerical data is often output as a table and provides numerical values for parameters such as pressure and flow rate. These tables can be used to compare results between different simulations, or to analyze the impact of changing certain parameters on the overall behavior of the fluid. For example, if a researcher is studying the flow of air over an airplane wing, they may use numerical data to determine the lift and drag forces acting on the wing at different angles of attack.

Graphs may be in the form of line charts, histograms or XY plots, and provide visual representations of numerical data over time or along a specified coordinate axis. These graphs can be used to quickly identify trends or patterns in the data, which may not be immediately apparent from looking at the numerical values alone. For example, a researcher may use a line chart to compare the velocity profiles of two different fluids flowing through a pipe, and identify regions of turbulence or instability.

Images may be in the form of contour plots or vector plots, and represent data in a 2-dimensional format. These output formats provide different ways of interpreting data, allowing researchers and engineers to gain a deeper understanding of fluid behaviors. For example, a contour plot may be used to visualize the pressure distribution over the surface of an object, while a vector plot may be used to show the direction and magnitude of fluid flow in a particular region.

It is important to note that the choice of data output format will depend on the specific research question or engineering problem being studied. For example, if the goal is to optimize the design of a heat exchanger, a researcher may choose to focus on numerical data such as heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops, while if the goal is to understand the behavior of a fluid in a complex flow field, they may choose to focus on images such as streamlines or vorticity plots.

The Importance of Planning for Post-Processing

As CFD simulations continue to grow in complexity, post-processing becomes essential in order to gain meaningful insights into the flow field behavior under consideration. As such, it is important that CFD simulations are designed with post-processing in mind. This involves carefully considering which types of data outputs are required, the software required for post-processing tasks, and the methods that will be employed to analyze the results.

Driving the importance of planning for post-processing is the sheer volume of data generated from CFD simulations. Without careful consideration of the post-processing methods, visualizing this data can be overwhelming and difficult to interpret. Therefore, it is important to plan for post-processing prior to conducting simulations, in order to ensure that the data is properly formatted and can be easily analyzed and interpreted.

One important consideration when planning for post-processing is the type of software that will be used. There are many different software packages available for post-processing CFD data, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. It is important to choose a software package that is well-suited to the specific needs of the simulation being conducted. For example, some software packages may be better suited for analyzing turbulent flows, while others may be better suited for analyzing heat transfer.

In addition to choosing the right software package, it is also important to carefully consider the types of data outputs that will be required. This may include variables such as velocity, pressure, temperature, and turbulence intensity. By carefully selecting the appropriate outputs, it is possible to gain a more detailed understanding of the flow field behavior, which can lead to more accurate and insightful results.

Another important consideration when planning for post-processing is the methods that will be employed to analyze the results. This may include techniques such as contour plots, vector plots, and streamlines. By carefully selecting the appropriate methods, it is possible to gain a more intuitive understanding of the flow field behavior, which can help to identify areas where improvements can be made.

In conclusion, planning for post-processing is a critical aspect of conducting CFD simulations. By carefully considering the software, data outputs, and analysis methods, it is possible to gain a more detailed understanding of the flow field behavior, which can lead to more accurate and insightful results. Therefore, it is important to invest time and effort in planning for post-processing prior to conducting simulations, in order to ensure that the data is properly formatted and can be easily analyzed and interpreted.

A Step-by-Step Guide to CFD Post-Processing

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool used in engineering and scientific research to simulate fluid flows and their interactions with solid objects. CFD post-processing is an essential step in the CFD simulation process that involves analyzing and visualizing the numerical data generated by the simulation. It enables engineers and scientists to gain insights into the behavior of fluid flows and make informed decisions based on the simulation results.

Now that we have established why CFD post-processing is important and what it can be used for, let's take a closer look at a step-by-step guide to performing CFD post-processing.

  1. Export data from the CFD solver: The first step in CFD post-processing is to export the simulation data from the CFD solver. This data typically includes velocity, pressure, temperature, and other relevant parameters.

  2. Import the data into post-processing software: Once the data has been exported from the CFD solver, it needs to be imported into post-processing software. There are many commercial and open-source post-processing software available, such as ParaView, Tecplot, and FieldView.

  3. Select the post-processing methods and data outputs required: The next step is to select the post-processing methods and data outputs required for the analysis. This may include contour plots, vector plots, streamlines, and other visualization techniques.

  4. Run the post-processing tools required to visualize the numerical data: Once the post-processing methods and data outputs have been selected, the post-processing tools can be run to visualize the numerical data. This may involve setting up the appropriate parameters and settings in the post-processing software.

  5. Analyze the data and visualize the results in the format appropriate for the CFD simulation: After the post-processing tools have been run, the numerical data can be analyzed and the results can be visualized in the format appropriate for the CFD simulation. This may involve generating images, videos, or animations of the fluid flow.

  6. Present the results in a clear and understandable manner: The final step in CFD post-processing is to present the results in a clear and understandable manner. This may involve creating reports, presentations, or other forms of documentation that communicate the findings of the simulation.

Keep in mind that post-processing methods may vary depending on the type of simulation and the desired outcome. For example, in aerodynamics simulations, the focus may be on visualizing the flow around an aircraft wing, while in biomedical simulations, the focus may be on analyzing the flow of blood through a vessel. However, the steps outlined above provide a general framework that can be applied to most simulations.


CFD post-processing is an essential step in obtaining meaningful insights from CFD simulations. It allows engineers and researchers to gain a deeper understanding of fluid mechanics and behavior, while also providing opportunities for optimization and increased efficiency. Careful planning and execution of post-processing tasks can help to ensure that the data generated from simulations is meaningful and easily interpreted. With post-processing tools becoming increasingly more capable, the possibilities for analyzing and visualizing fluid dynamics behavior are endless.