The Law of the Wall: Modeling Wall Functions in CFD

What are Wall Functions in CFD?

Wall functions play a crucial role in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. In CFD, the flow near solid walls is of significant interest due to its impact on accuracy and efficiency. Understanding wall functions is essential for accurately capturing the behavior of flows close to walls and improving the overall simulation results.

The Importance of Boundary Layers on CFD Accuracy

Before delving into wall functions, it's important to understand the significance of boundary layers on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) accuracy. Boundary layers are thin regions of fluid near solid surfaces, where the flow properties vary significantly from those in the outer region of the flow field. These layers have a direct impact on the flow behavior, pressure distribution, and heat transfer near the walls.

Boundary layers play a crucial role in various engineering applications. For example, in aerodynamics, the boundary layer affects the lift and drag forces acting on an aircraft wing. Understanding and accurately resolving the boundary layer is crucial for capturing important flow features and determining the correct physics of the problem.

When fluid flows over a solid surface, the velocity of the fluid is zero at the surface due to the no-slip condition. As the fluid moves away from the surface, the velocity gradually increases until it reaches the free-stream velocity. This velocity gradient within the boundary layer causes a variation in flow properties such as velocity, pressure, and temperature.

The boundary layer can be classified into two types: laminar and turbulent. In the laminar boundary layer, the fluid flows smoothly in parallel layers, with minimal mixing between adjacent layers. On the other hand, the turbulent boundary layer is characterized by chaotic and irregular flow patterns, with significant mixing between adjacent layers.

Accurately resolving the boundary layer is challenging due to its small thickness and high computational cost. The near-wall region requires a fine mesh resolution to capture the flow physics accurately. However, using a fine mesh throughout the entire computational domain would be computationally expensive and time-consuming.

To enhance the computational efficiency while maintaining acceptable levels of accuracy, wall functions are often employed in CFD simulations. Wall functions provide an alternative approach to model the near-wall region without explicitly resolving it. These functions are based on empirical correlations and provide estimates of the flow properties at the wall based on the flow properties in the outer region of the flow field.

Wall functions are particularly useful in turbulent flows, where the near-wall region is highly complex and computationally demanding to resolve. By using wall functions, the computational cost can be significantly reduced while still capturing the essential flow features near the walls.

However, it's important to note that wall functions introduce some level of approximation and may not be suitable for all flow scenarios. The accuracy of the results obtained using wall functions depends on various factors such as the flow regime, Reynolds number, and the specific wall function employed.

In conclusion, accurately resolving the boundary layer is crucial for capturing important flow features and determining the correct physics of the problem in CFD simulations. Wall functions provide a computationally efficient approach to model the near-wall region, allowing for acceptable levels of accuracy while reducing the computational cost. However, the selection and application of wall functions should be carefully considered based on the specific flow scenario and desired level of accuracy.

What is the Law of the Wall?

The law of the wall is a fundamental principle used in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to model the flow near walls. It provides a relationship between the velocity profile and the distance from the wall, allowing engineers and scientists to understand and predict fluid behavior in various applications.

When fluid flows near a solid boundary, such as a wall, the velocity distribution is significantly affected by the presence of the wall. The law of the wall helps us understand this complex phenomenon by providing a simplified mathematical representation.

The law of the wall is based on the concept that the flow near the wall is governed by a logarithmic function. This function, known as the logarithmic law, states that the mean velocity of the flow is proportional to the logarithm of the distance from the wall.

By applying the law of the wall, engineers can estimate the velocity distribution in the near-wall region without directly solving the governing equations of fluid flow. This simplification is particularly useful in CFD simulations, where solving the full Navier-Stokes equations for the entire flow domain can be computationally expensive.

Understanding the law of the wall is crucial in many engineering applications. For example, in the design of aerodynamic surfaces, such as airplane wings, it is essential to accurately predict the flow behavior near the wing surface. By incorporating the law of the wall into CFD simulations, engineers can optimize the wing design for improved lift and reduced drag.

Moreover, the law of the wall is also relevant in the study of turbulent flows. Turbulence, characterized by chaotic and random fluctuations in fluid motion, plays a significant role in many natural and industrial processes. The law of the wall helps researchers analyze and model turbulent flows near walls, leading to advancements in fields such as environmental fluid dynamics and industrial process optimization.

In conclusion, the law of the wall is a fundamental principle in CFD that provides valuable insights into the flow behavior near walls. By understanding and applying this law, engineers and scientists can make accurate predictions and optimize various fluid flow applications, ranging from aerodynamics to turbulent flow analysis.

Improving Reynolds' Averaged Navier-Stokes Turbulence Models with Wall Models

Reynolds' Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models are widely used in CFD simulations to capture the effects of turbulence on the flow. However, these models often struggle to accurately predict flows near solid walls, where turbulence is particularly strong.

To improve the accuracy of RANS models near walls, wall models are introduced. Wall models are techniques that provide information about the flow variables in the near-wall region based on the behavior of the flow away from the wall. By coupling wall models with turbulence models, more accurate predictions of near-wall flows can be achieved.

What is the Difference in Low Re and High Re Wall Models?

Low Reynolds number (Re) wall models and high Reynolds number wall models are two approaches used to handle different flow regimes near walls. Low Re wall models are utilized when the flow is characterized by low turbulence intensity or when the thermal boundary layer dominates the flow behavior.

High Re wall models, on the other hand, are applicable when the flow has high turbulence intensity or when the viscous boundary layer dominates the flow behavior. These models capture the unique characteristics of turbulent flows near walls by considering the influence of shear stress and other relevant parameters.

What is y+?

y+ (y-plus) is a dimensionless wall distance parameter that plays a significant role in CFD simulations. It represents the distance of a cell center to the nearest wall, divided by the local viscous length scale. Properly resolving y+ is crucial to accurately model the near-wall flow behavior and the boundary layer.

Typically, in wall-bounded flow simulations, it is important to have a sufficient number of grid points within the near-wall region with a y+ value of around unity. This ensures that the velocity and other flow variables are accurately captured, and the logarithmic law is properly accounted for.


Understanding wall functions and their role in CFD simulations is essential for achieving accurate and efficient results. By considering the importance of boundary layers, the law of the wall, and the use of wall models, engineers and researchers can improve the accuracy of their near-wall flow predictions and make robust design decisions.